Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering
Research Areas
Research Interests
Synthesis of Novel Biocompatible Polymer
Novel Artificial Nerve Conduits for Damaged Nerve Regeneration
Novel Artificial Blood Vessel for Treatment of Circulation Diseases
Novel Wound Dressing Materials using Hydro Colloid
Animal Study for Medical Application of Biomaterials
Selected Publications
∙ Y. Liu, L. Duan, M.J. Kim, J. Kim, and D.J. Chung, “In situ Sodium Alginate-Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Coating Method for Clinical Applications”, Macromol. Res., 22(3) 240-247(2014)
∙M.J. Kim, M.Y. Hwang, J. Kim, and D.J. Chung, “Biodegradable and elastomeric Poly(glycerol sebacate) as a coating material for nitinol bare stent”, Biomed. Res. Intl., Article ID 956952, 1-7 (2014)
∙ K.H. Park, C.K. Park, J. Park, S. Jeon, S.-I. Bang, J. Kim, and D.J. Chung, “Drug Adsorption Behavior of Polyolefin Infusion Tube Compared to PVC and PU”, Polymer(Korea) 38(3) 333-337(2014),
∙ Q.T. Bui, Y.-S. Jeon, S.H. Um, D.J. Chung and J. Kim, “Preparation of novel hybrid gels from polyaspartamides and natural alginate or hyaluronate by click reaction”, J. Polymer Research, 22(27), 1-12(2015),
∙ K.H. Park and D.J. Chung, “Stability study of docetaxel solution (0.9%, saline) using Non-PVC and PVC tubes for intravenous administration”, Biomaterials Res., 19(1) 45-49(2015)
∙ J.W. Chon, I.K. Jang, S.W. Suh, I.K. Chung, S.M. Chung, and D.J. Chung, “Development of Reinforced Polylactide Composite Resin for Micro Surgery Bone Plate and Screw”, Macromol. Res., 24(1), 37-43(2016)
∙ L.T.i Duy, T.Q. Trung, V.Q. Dang, B.-U. Hwang, S. Siddiqui, I.-Y. Son, S.K. Yoon, D.J. Chung, and N.-E. Lee, “Flexible Transparent Reduced Graphene Oxide Sensor Coupled with Organic Dye Molecules for Rapid Dual-mode Ammonia Gas Detection”, Advanced Functional Materials, Accepted, 2016
∙ S.Y. Kim, S.K. Yoon, J. Ahn, D.J. Chung, “Enhancement of Toxic Gas Detecting Ability of Film Type Colorimetric Sensor”, Mat. Sci. & Chem. Eng., 4(1), 40-45(2016)
Professional Experience
∙일본 국립순환기병센터 인공장기 연구소 PostDoc
∙삼성종합기술원 신소재응용연구소 수석연구원
∙성균관대학교 융복합소재엔지니어링협동과정 프로그램 주임교수
∙미래부 유해물질검지 사업단 단장
∙미국 워싱턴대 초빙교수, 호주 Woolongong대 초빙교수