Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Research Areas
Biosensors, Interfacial Science, Peptide Engineering, Membrane Biophysics, Translational Medicine, Biotechnology
Research Interests
Our international team is based in the Translational Nanobioscience Research Center (TNRC) and is focused on developing interfacial science strategies to characterize biomacromolecular interactions that occur at phospholipid membrane interfaces and to translate biophysical insights into new medicines, resources, and tools that address outstanding needs in healthcare and biotechnology. We employ various measurement approaches based on acoustic, optical, and plasmonic biosensing techniques and corresponding theoretical biophysics concepts to study membrane-peptide, membrane-lipid, and membrane-nanoparticle interactions.
We place strong emphasis on the professional development of our group’s students and staff members, and our alumni have earned tenure-track faculty positions at universities and research jobs at top companies in Korea and around the world. To support global research cooperation and group member training, we have active collaborations and exchange programs with research groups at leading academic institutions worldwide, including Stanford University (USA), Cornell University (USA), the University of Pennsylvania (USA), the University of California Los Angeles (USA), Utrecht University (Netherlands), Lund University (Sweden), Semmelweis University (Hungary), and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Selected research topics are described below.
We develop label-free biosensors with cell membrane-mimicking platform coatings for biointerfacial science applications and mechanistic biophysical investigations. Major areas of research include antimicrobial lipid and detergent evaluation, lipid nanoparticle development, and immunological testing.
We design peptides and proteins with useful properties for medical and biotechnology applications. Key areas include engineering membrane-active peptides that disrupt enveloped virus particles and cancer exosomes and optimizing peptide bioconjugation strategies for medical device and therapeutic applications.
Selected Publications
Shin S, Ko H, Kim CH, Yoon BK, Son S, Lee JA, Shin JM, Lee J, Song SH, Jackman JA*, Park JH*. Curvature-Sensing Peptide Inhibits Tumour-Derived Exosomes for Enhanced Cancer Immunotherapy. Nature Materials, In press (2023). Link
Jackman JA. Antiviral Peptide Engineering for Targeting Membrane-Enveloped Viruses: Recent Progress and Future Directions. BBA-Biomembranes, vol. 1864, 183821 (2022). Link
Jackman JA, Gentile DA, Cho NJ, Park YH. Addressing the Digital Skills Gap for Future Education. Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 5, pp. 542–545 (2021).Link
Jackman JA, Cho NJ. Supported Lipid Bilayer Formation: Beyond Vesicle Fusion. Langmuir, vol. 36, pp. 1387-1400 (2020).Link
Ferhan AR, Yoon BK, Park SH, Sut TN, Chin HK, Park JH, Jackman JA*, Cho NJ*. Solvent-Assisted Preparation of Supported Lipid Bilayers. Nature Protocols, vol. 14, pp. 2091-2118 (2019).Link
Jackman JA, Costa VV, Park SH, Real ALCV, Park JH, Cardozo PL, Ferhan AR, Olmo IG, Poreira TP, Bambirra JL, Queiroz VF, Queiroz-Junior CM, Foureaux G, Souza DG, Ribeiro FM, Yoon BK, Wynendaele E, De Spiegeleer B, Teixeira MM, Cho NJ. Therapeutic Treatment of Zika Virus Infection Using a Brain-Penetrating Antiviral Peptide. Nature Materials, vol. 17, pp. 971-977 (2018).Link
Jackman JA, Ferhan AR, Cho NJ. Nanoplasmonic Sensors for Biointerfacial Science. Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 3615-3660 (2017).Link
Our research activities and scientific viewpoints have also been featured in the following articles:
Peplow M. These DNA Nanoshells Trap a Broad Spectrum of Viruses. Chemical & Engineering News, vol. 100, no. 41 (2022).Link
Peplow M. Nanotechnology Offers Alternative Ways to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic with Antivirals. Nature Biotechnology, vol. 39, pp. 1172-1174 (2021).Link
Dolgin E. The Race for Antiviral Drugs to Beat COVID-and the Next Pandemic. Nature, vol. 592, pp. 340-343 (2021).Link
Professional Experience
Associate Professor (Sungkyunkwan University, 2023-present)
Assistant Professor (Sungkyunkwan University, 2019-2023)
Postdoctoral Scholar (Stanford University, 2015-2018)
Graduate Researcher (Nanyang Technological University, 2011-2015)
Graduate Researcher (Harvard-MIT, 2010-2011)
Undergraduate Researcher (Stanford University, 2008-2010)
Undergraduate Researcher (University of Florida, 2007-2008)