Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Research Areas
Molecular Electronics & Photonics
Research Interests
Advancements in Semiconductor Technology
Recent rapid progress in the semiconductor technology has been led by the advancements in the molecular-level understanding of materials and devices. In the center of those advancements, molecular optoelectronics and photonics focus on the in-depth understanding of chemistry and physics of optical and electrical characteristics of materials on the molecular-level, which can yield the utilization of the full potential of the materials on optoelectronic applications.
Excitonic Engineering for Next-generation Molecular Semiconductors
In our research group, we develop next-generation semiconductor materials and devices by using nanophysical and photophysical engineering, i.e. the excitonic engineering, of emerging optoelectronic molecular systems. Our research spans over a broad range of optical, electrical and energy materials including organic, polymeric, organic-inorganic hybrid and low-dimensional semiconductors. Utilizing the chemical versatility of those materials, our primary focus is the ground state engineering of their nanostructures and the excited state engineering of their ultrafast dynamics. Ultimately, the goal is to realize a highly functioning material platform that can generate predictable, transferrable, reliable, and homogeneous properties. It will have a great impact on future electronics such as solar cells, light emitting diodes, photosensors, optical switching and even the More-than-Moore optoelectronic computing technology.
Selected Publications
- S.B.Jo et al., “Dilution Effect for Highly Efficient Multiple-Component Organic Solar Cells”, Nature Nanotechnology, 17, 1, 53-60 (2022)
- S.B.Jo* et al., “A General Fruit Acid Chelation Route for Eco-friendly and Ambient 3D Printing of Metals” Nature Communications (2022)
- S.B.Jo* et al., “Comb-type Polymer-hybridized MXene Nanosheets Dispersible in Arbitrary Polar, Non-polar, and Ionic Solvents”, Science Advances (2022)
- S.B.Jo et al., “The Molecular Ordering and Double Channel Carrier Generation of Non-Fullerene Photovoltaics Within Multi-Length-Scale Morphology” Advanced Materials (2022)
- S.B.Jo* et al., “Monolithic Tandem Multicolor Image Sensor Based on Electrochromic Color-Radix Demultiplexing”, Advanced Materials, 33, 35 2102725 (2021)
- S.B.Jo et al., “Multi-State Heterojunction Transistors based on Field-Effect Tunneling–Transport Transitions”, Advanced Materials, 33, 29, 2101243 (2021)
- S.B.Jo* et al., “Cold-Trap-Mediated Broad Dynamic Photodetection in Graphene-Organic Hybrid Photonic Barristors”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 2, 879-890 (2021)
- S.B.Jo et al., “Over 12% Efficiency Non-fullerene All-Small-Molecule Organic Solar Cells with Sequentially Evolved Multilength Scale Morphologies”, Advanced Materials, 31, 12, 1807842 (2019)
- S.B.Jo et al., “Long-lived, Non-geminate, Radiative Recombination of Photogenerated Charges in a Polymer:Small-Molecule Acceptor Photovoltaic Blend”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 31 9996-10008 (2018)
Professional Experience
Research professor, Yonsei University, Korea (2020-2021)
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Washington, USA (2015-2020)
Postdoctoral researcher, POSTECH, Korea (2014-2015)